“Always Be Marketing …
Your Number One Job! “Top Direct Response Marketing Consultant/Copywriter …
Reveals Secrets That Can Make You Millions…Just the Facts…
You know that reflection staring back at you in the mirror is the only one you have…so you gotta take good care of it, right? Consider this…
Question: Have you found your sales letter control starting to go into a sales slump?
FACT ONE: Unless you focus on your marketing regularly… daily, your sales will be producing unpredictable results. This lack of focus often leads to little or no sales and ultimately business breakdown.
Your marketing should be focused upon as often as necessary, depending on how quickly you wish to increase your bank book balance. As a general rule you are not selling anything…you are a marketer of a thing.
Sometimes only simple changes are recommended for sales copy to improve sales performance. Then again, many more times the sales copy needs a complete re-write for the concept that will vastly make leaps and bounds of sales never before seen. Whereas Jonathan’s in depth product and service consultation process enables you to work closely if you chose or allow Jonathan to work his insightful marketing magic for polishing up your marketing.
When you have your first telephone appointment you will notice an immediate difference coming from an experienced, knowledgeable marketing professional who will advise you on the best directions to specifically take for your particular product and/or company needs.
You will have your complete marketing package evaluated and all the holes that were not clearly evident, will be brought into the light, filled and shined up.
Don’t you think It’s time to get advice from a proven experienced marketing professional for your bottom-line’s sake?
Consider These… Important Questions:
Question: How is your sales letter performing? Have you ever noticed when you get your sales copy delivered quickly… then 2 1/2 weeks later you need re-writing? …
FACT TWO: And you thought all this time that was just because your most recent copywriter writes so fast … right? But let me let you in on a little secret … you could be saving money by having your sales letters actually sell longer when you get a higher quality targeted proven responsive winning sales letter.
Copywriting, and marketing legend, my personal mentor, Eugene Schwartz, wrote in his book, Breakthrough Advertising, “The best bargain for your marketing is a good sales letter. If possible, pay extra for a top-of the line proven responsive copywriter. More proven winners out-pulling previous sales records – up to many months as a control depending on the sales response.”
As your marketing partner, I guarantee you the best results from my experience of 45 PLUS years of in the trenches experience helping people just like you make more money by receiving technically, the highest quality marketing with every project. After all, getting the right words is the secret that gets you the sales results you want.
But more importantly this…
Question: Did you know that the marketing of your business is reflected in the results of your sales? It’s true.
FACT THREE: A professional marketer/copywriter is trained to recognize and point you in the right direction. Targeted, concise, responsive, and proven copy for when you want the best results regularly maintained by a professional copywriter.
Professional prepared sales copy was once considered a luxury, but today it is a necessity for you to become the most successful. Not to mention, it’s one of your easiest and most effective ways to have sales that are much more predictable and larger than standard sales.
When presenting your best image make sure you’re giving the world the right message. Investing in yourself , your product with great marketing always gives more back to you.
Now You Can Get BIG Sales!
(Just Like The Other Guys…)
Now comes the hard part choosing the best marketing professional for you. But, there are thousands of agencies, even more copywriters and you’ve probably seen fair share of them – How do you choose just one? How do you find one that best suits your needs while avoiding getting any sloppy or insufficient services? …
Find Out, APPLY NOW: New Client Confidential Evaluation.
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