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You want an experienced eye with proven direct response results to take a second look? How would you like higher profits from your current ad, or sales letter with just a little tweak? Get higher profitable results now by arranging a risk free Direct Response Marketing “Show-You-How” Consultation services…
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Is your marketing converting into more profitable sales? Imagine what benefits your prospect or client seeks from your product or service … Does your marketing message communicate those benefits clearly? What are the specific benefits your prospect or client seeks? Are you losing sales because they may not be what you think? Could you be leaving money on the table? Take Action Here To Change That With Marketing Services…
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COPYWRITING... It's Your Words...

Copywriting, marketing legend and my personal mentor, Eugene Schwartz, wrote in his book, Breakthrough Advertising, “The best bargain for your marketing is a good sales letter. If possible, pay extra for a top-of the line proven responsive copywriter. More proven winners out-pulling previous sales records – up to many months as a control depending on the sales response.” When just one letter makes all the difference or just one letter … don’t you want a top-of the line proven responsive copywriter who’s proven record at writing responsive copy immediately produces more profitable sales for your product/service?…
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Before releasing your new ad, any existing ad, your sales letter, your landing webpage, your e-mail responder campaign, or most importantly your direct mail package in the world… don’t you deserve an experienced second opinion, an objective full insight Second Look™ copy critique? Or maybe you can use an on-going copywriting coaching relationship to get you building your momentum and see how it’s done… Read all the Testimonials… Don’t Miss Out Getting More Continuous Profitable Sales… With Your Second Look™ Copy Critique or Copy Cub Coaching… Sign-Up Now
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