copywriter Jonathan Dune
Jonathan Dune, seasoned direct response copywriter – Crafting and delivering responsive ads, and continually translating consistent Profits On Investment (P.O.I.) for clients – Jonathan also has numerous winning responsive ads in several languages besides English. (If your main language is not English) (2021 current ad controls for: financial, alternative health, crypto and other industries which includes many solo one-person companies to several multi-billion dollar corporations.)

Get Jonathan to craft you an ad selling when no other has been able to connect to your market. An ad that will potentially make you just a little more successful and possibly much more wealthy than you are right now? Read on…

Here’s Just A Little of His-story …

Early on Jonathan was an inquisitive, curious soul… an avid reader who showed skill at communicating with words through the pen.

How early? At the young age of nine, Jonathan read an article in the newspaper and all the follow-up letters to the editor about an issue that caught his interest.

This subject or “problem” had been written about in the newspaper before several times, yet no one seemed to respond offering any solution.

Jonathan responded, and wrote a letter to the editor with a thought-through outline offering his solution of what he felt should be done …

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